Copyright 2019 Discovery Owner's Association, Inc.

Euro Lounger Replacement

The location of the front TV versus the couch makes watching TV difficult with sore backs and necks. To eliminate this problem, we took out the couch and installed 2 Euro Loungers. We found the loungers at a local RV Shop and negotiated a good price $550.00 plus our old couch for 2 new loungers.

Installation is quite simple:

  1. There are four bolts that hold the couch onto the slide, remove them.
  2. Slide the seat belt through the couch and remove the couch. It is helpful to open the slides before removing. If you open the couch it will easily fit through the door.
  3. There may be an electrical junction box and wires that were under the couch. We make a wooden box to cover these up and protect them.
  4. Bring the Euro Loungers through the door and place them where the couch was. Now, when we get set up, we position the loungers so we can face the TV.

Submitted by Jim Fox


The DISCOVERY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC, was formed to promote the sharing of information and the camaraderie of fellow Discovery motorhome owners. Membership in the club is limited to owners of Fleetwood Discovery motorhomes.


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