Light Your Door Handle Like the American Eagle
- Remove the upper part of the outside entry door handle.
- Observe that the handle base plate has a hole in it to hold a Light Socket. You will need to purchase a Light Socket to fit the hole at an Automotive Store (Advance Auto, Auto Zone etc.).
- Lay the handle base plate gasket over the mounting holes on the side of the Coach and mark the big hole for drilling to insert the light socket wires.
- Inside the Coach you now need to remove the cover under the passenger side Console. Check to see if there is a hole directly below the door handle (down a foot or so).
- If you have access to a channel here you will be able to use this for fishing out the wires to connect the Light. If not you will have to drill a new hole. I can't remember exactly what the situation was when I installed mine.
- If drilling a new hole is required, measure the location of the hole to be drilled for the Light Socket (using the Door Frame as a measurement reference) and drop down on the inside to the bottom of the Passenger Console and measure the same distance to drill. Make sure that the hole will be hidden by the Console. Now, drill a small pilot hole to check and see if you are drilling into the Aluminum Tube Frame or into the Styrofoam Insulation. (Be careful not to drill through to the 0utside of the Coach. If you are in the Aluminum Tube Frame, you have a clear shot to feed the electric wires. If you drill into Styrofoam, you will need to use a coat hanger or something to shove up to the Light Socket Hole.
- Now it is time to drill the real holes. (a) The hole for the Light Socket should be drilled big enough to allow the wire and the Socket body to slide into the body of the Coach, but smaller the Light Socket Flange. (Be careful not to drill through to the inside of the Coach) (b) The hole under the Passenger Console should not be drilled any larger than necessary to fish the wires through. (Again be careful not to drill through to the outside of the Coach)
- Once all Holes are drilled, wires feed from the Light to the Console, it is time to put a few things back together. Leaving plenty of slack in the wires, connect the wires to the Light Socket leads, apply some silicone around the hole in the coach, snap the Socket into the hole in the Handle base plate and reassemble in the Coach.
- Now you need to test the wires in the Console to find a Positive lead to connect into. And then find a good Ground lead. I recommend installing a switch for the Lighted Handle. Mine is installed somewhat on the underside of the Console. (Note: You may want to wire it to the porch light instead)
This isn't really a big job, just a lot of reading. GOOD LUCK!